
Find out what the LEI code is

All useful informations

What is the LEI code

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is an alphanumeric code, consisting of 20 characters, based on the international standard ISO 17442, which makes it possible to uniquely identify legal entities (Legal Entities) operating in financial markets around the world.

The LEI code contains some basic information on the applicant legal entity (level 1 data), such as tax code, name, address of the registered office, legal form.

Furthermore, it also contains information relating to the applicant's corporate structure, that is who owns whom (level 2 data), particularly useful for reconstructing the corporate ramifications.

All these data are published in the LEI database, updated daily and available on the website of the GLEIF (Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation), a non-profit organization that coordinates the global LEI system worldwide, and can be freely consulted by anyone interested through the appropriate functionality of research.

What is for

The LEI code serves to identify counterparties in financial transactions subject to reporting obligations in a simple, fast and standardized way. The LEI code is uniquely associated with each applicant and cannot; be transferred from one legal entity to another.

Who needs it

The LEI code is mandatory for legal entities that transact financial instruments (such as stock trading, bonds, warrants, government bonds and derivatives). In the case of transactions in financial markets, the LEI code is mandatory for:

  • entities listed in the Business Register
  • italian branches of foreign companies
  • investment funds managed by companies listed in the Business Register
  • italian pension funds
  • ● other bodies (such as Public Administrations, Associations, Foundations).

It is not mandatory for individuals even if they carry out financial transactions.

How to obtain it

In Italy the LEI code can be requested quickly and easily through the InfoCamere LEI portal.
The activation request consists of a few steps and takes place completely online:

  • registration on the portal and then access your own Reserved Area using credentials or digital identity tools such as the CNS (the National Service Card) or the SPID (Public System for Digital Identity), which can be easily obtained by contacting, for example, your own Chamber of Commerce
  • compilation of the request
  • digital signature and sending of the file
  • payment by credit card or MAV (automated payment by advice).

Individuals who access the InfoCamere LEI portal with SPID or CNS, thanks to the automatic recognition of the digital identity of the applicant, they will not have to digitally sign the documentation attached to the LEI code request, so the processing times are even faster. Legal entities interested in obtaining an LEI code can request it directly on the InfoCamere LEI portal or delegate an intermediary for this purpose.

In the latter case it will be necessary to get a copy of the delegating party's identity document and a specific proxy document(by using the pre-filled proxy document you find while completing / entering the request or by filling the proxy document available for download in the InfoCamere LEI portal).

Download attachment Proxy form for first activation and renewal

Once it has been activated by InfoCamere the LEI code can also be found using the Chamber of Commerce company registration details, available on the website

How to request a LEI code in the United Kingdom, Germany, Luxembourg, Malta, South Africa, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, Australia and India.

For years, InfoCamere has been the go-to source for Italian businesses seeking LEI codes. The commitment to excellence and unwavering support for clients have solidified the position as a trusted partner. Several companies across Italy have benefited from InfoCamere expertise in LEI services.

Going Global as ID LEI:

Now, InfoCamere is bringing its expertise and commitment to an international audience with the launch of ID LEI, specifically targeting the United Kingdom, Germany, Malta, South Africa, Luxembourg, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, Australia and India. As ID LEI, InfoCamere is well-positioned to empower businesses globally with its knowledge, experience, and dedication. In order to request, renew or manage LEI codes for legal entities having their registered office in the UK, Germany, Malta, South Africa, Luxembourg, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, Australia and India visit

Why request it with FastLEI

FastLEI is the InfoCamere LEI code issue or renewal service that allows you to obtain a LEI code in less than 24 hours, simply and safely.

Companies that are registered with the Business Register and are paying by credit card can access the FastLEI service.

It guarantees that you will obtain the LEI code on the same day if you complete the request by 3 p.m. If you send the request after 3 p.m. you will obtain the code by 12 noon on the next working day.

  • speedy and fast processing of your request
  • you receive the LEI Certificate free of charge
  • safe and reliable process
  • corporate financial operations are protected as soon as possible.

How long does it last

If you select the Annual Plan, the LEI code lasts for one year from the date of issue and from subsequent renewals.

Why renew your LEI code

The LEI code has a duration of one year from its initial issuance and annual renewal of the code is important to maintain the accuracy and currency of the information associated with it. The renewal process ensures transparency in the financial market by correctly identifying the entities operating within it.

How to renew your LEI code

If you have activated or renewed a LEI code in the past, you will receive automatic notification by e-mail or in the private area of the InfoCamere LEI portal when the renewal date is approaching.

In this way you can ensure your LEI code does not lapse.

Thanks to the real time connection to the official Italian Business register, companies that are registered can access their Private area on the InfoCamere LEI portal and start their renewal request using a form pre-compiled with up-to-date information.

Those registered with the Business Register who already have an active InfoCamere LEI code can also take advantage of additional simplifications and renew using the direct link provided in their renewal notice, which is sent to the business’ certified e-mail address prior to the expiry date.

Those not registered with the Business Register can renew their LEI code by signing up to or accessing the InfoCamere LEI portal.

If you have a code activated by another operator you can always switch to InfoCamere LEI using a procedure that does not involve fees.

Find out more in this all' section of the portal.

How our Three-year plans work

You can select the three-year activation and renewal plan without having to worry about annual expiry of the LEI code.

Thanks to this InfoCamere service, your LEI code is always up-to-date. You can also receive the LEI Certificate free of charge every year, indicating its validity and expiry date.

Find out more about our Three-year Plans in this section of the portal.

Why choose InfoCamere LEI

Infocamere, the digital innovation company for the Italian Chambers of Commerce, is a LOU (Local Operation Unit), officially accredited by GLEIF for years and authorized to issue and renew LEI codes.

Among the main organizations worldwide and first in Italy for the management of LEI codes, InfoCamere provides a high quality and reliable service.

Local Operation Units (LOUs) are local entities authorized to assign LEI codes, to update and ensure the accuracy of the information associated with the codes within a specific jurisdiction.

Thanks to the real-time connection with the Register of Companies - the official registry of all Italian companies - the procedure for verifying the identity of those who request the LEI code from InfoCamere is simple and certified, and allows you to obtain your code in a very short time. Also during the renewal of the LEI code, direct interconnection with the Register of Companies allows you to proceed in an even faster and easier way to check the information in the LEI database and to confirm the renewal request..

What is a LEI Certificate

The LEI Certificate is a document, issued by the LOU InfoCamere, that proves in real time that a specific legal entity is in possession of a LEI Code.

Its QR code provides information on the validity and expiry date of the code.
You can obtain a LEI Certificate:

  • free of charge every year if you select the Three-year activation or renewal Plan
  • free of charge if you select the FastLEI service
  • optionally during activation or renewal for one year
  • at any time by requesting it during the period your code is valid.

With the Lei certificate you have access to numerous advantages, including:

  • a quick, easy way of demonstrating to your bank or other financial intermediaries that you have a valid LEI code
  • real time checks on the status, expiry and associated data for the LEI code of a third party you are interested in
  • quickly sharing and communicating information connected to your LEI code to customers, suppliers and commercial partners.

Reference regulations

The adoption of the LEI code is governed by various European regulations.
The first act was the EMIR regulation (n.684 / 2012 / EU) which made it mandatory in Europe to report details relating to transactions carried out in derivative financial instruments. (whether it is products listed on regulated markets or OTC) to the supervisory authorities (for Italy, Consob).

This was followed by two regulatory interventions that have consistently expanded the mandatory scope of the LEI code:

  • ● the community directive MIFID II (2014/65 / EU) on markets in financial instruments
  • ● the related implementing regulation MIFIR (600/2014).

In order to develop a single European market for financial services, such legislation has among its main objectives the increase in the transparency of the markets and their supervision, the protection of investors and the improvement of transaction execution strategies.

From 3 January 2018, with the entry into force of the MIFID II / MIFIR directive, all legal entities that have opened a securities account with financial intermediaries must have an LEI code.

What are Local Operating Units (LOUs)

LOUs (Local Operating Units) are organizations authorized to issue LEI codes to legal entities that take part in financial transactions.

The LOUs deal with the registration and renewal of LEI codes, provide any additional services and are the main point of contact for those who request the issuance of LEI codes.

Accreditation is the process through which the GLEIF (Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation) assesses the suitability of organizations wishing to operate within the Global LEI System as issuers of LEI codes and custodians of legal entity data.

The "Policy Conformity Flag" initiative in the Global LEI System

The Policy Conformity Flag further enhances the effectiveness of the LEI by providing a concrete opportunity to encourage and promote greater transparency in financial transactions. Data related to legal entities are made available to the public in an open, standardized, and high-quality manner, maximizing transparency and trust among market participants.

The Policy Conformity Flag is a simple and clear tool that allows all interested parties to determine which LEI records (i.e., the set of data related to an LEI code) meet certain Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC) policies. The ROC coordinates and oversees the Global LEI System. An LEI record marked as ‘conforming’ indicates that the following criteria are met:

  • The LEI registration is up-to-date - the LEI record renewal (and thus, the review of data related to the legal entity) has been completed within the specified timeframe.
  • The declaration of corporate structure data is complete - the legal entity has provided data regarding direct and ultimate parents (or has provided one of the specified reasons why such data may not be provided).
Discover more about Policy Conformity Flag
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