Richiedi Codice Lei Infocamere

Get your LEI code in just a few clicks

Fill in and send your request

Request your LEI code from InfoCamere

To request, register and access the portal

Are you the legal representative of your company or a delegated person? Request your LEI code with InfoCamere: it's simple and safe.
You can make the request in a few steps.


Sign in

Register and log in to submit one or more LEI activation requests.


Fill in

Enter a new request and attach any documents necessary for its fulfillment.



Send your request and make the payment in the way you prefer. We will notify the attribution of the LEI by email and within the portal.

How much is it?

69,00  € *

*The prices are VAT excluded and already include the fixed contribution of 11 US $ required by the GLEIF.

From today you can choose a three-year plan!


Choose this plan to have your LEI always updated without worrying about the expiry! Request now and receive the LEI Code Certification of your LEI for free every year. With the three-year plan we take care of everything!
The price for the two subsequent annual renewals is € 65.00 + VAT.

Do you need your LEI code today?

With the FastLEI service, if your business is registered with the Business Register and you pay by credit card, you will obtain the LEI code on the same day if you complete the request by 3 p.m..If you complete the request after 3 p.m. you will obtain the LEI code by 12 noon on the next working day.

How much does FastLEI cost?

25,00  € *

*€ 25 plus the cost of activation

Interconnected to the Business Register

Since 1993 InfoCamere has been managing the Business Register, the official national register of Italian companies, on behalf of the chamber system. Choose quality and data reliability that we have always guaranteed.

The personal data (level 1) of the subjects requesting the LEI code, registered in the Register of Companies, are automatically verified in real time and immediately validated.

The data of subjects not registered in the Business Register and the data relating to the corporate structure (level 2) are checked promptly by a team of specialized operators who provide qualified assistance in Italian.

Once activated by InfoCamere, the LEI code can also be consulted through the company report, available on the website:

Necessary tools

To apply for an LEI code, you can use:
1 - CNS
2 - SPID
Go to ID InfoCamere, the identity and digital signature solutions of the Chambers of Commerce.

firma-digitale firma-digitale firma-digitale

Documents required

documents supporting the activation request vary according to the type of applicant company. Consult the Specific FAQ for the detailed list

Are you acting as an Delegate?

To operate on behalf of another person, obtain a copy of the delegating party's identity document, register and use the pre-filled proxy document you find while completing / entering the request, otherwise download the proxy document


If you request the activation of a code from InfoCamere LEI, you can receive it in less than twenty-four hours by selecting the fast service, otherwise it is guaranteed within four working days (as per the general conditions of the service).

Because we offer you a high quality and reliable service
InfoCamere LEI is the leading issuer of LEI codes in Italy.
InfoCamere LEI is a product of InfoCamere, a company that manages the data and services for Chambers of Commerce, and develops digital solutions for businesses.
We always pass the quality checks imposed by GLEIF, the supervisory and coordination body of the LEI system.

If you want to request or renew a LEI code you can pay by credit card or MAV payment slip, otherwise, if you wish to purchase an InfoCamere LEI certificate you can use a credit card.

Of course! You can request the code for your client: just access the platform, make the request and attach the proxy form signed by the legal representative together with his/her identity document.

Different documents may be required to be attached, according to the type of subject (company enrolled in the Business Register, investment fund, public administration, and so on), you work for. You will find the list of necessary documents and the instructions on how to attach them, while completing the request.

As of January 3, 2018, according to European regulations, the requirement to have a LEI code has been extended to legal entities that have a securities account (for transactions relating to shares, bonds, warrants, government bonds) or that carry out trading in derivative instruments.
In the case of transactions in the financial markets, the LEI code is required for:

  • subjects registered in the Business Register;
  • Italian branches of foreign companies;
  • investment funds managed by companies registered in the Business Register;
  • pension funds;
  • other entities (such as public administrations, associations, foundations).

The LEI code is valid for one year. When you activate or renew the LEI code, you can choose between a one or a three-year plan.

With the launch of ID LEI, InfoCamere now extends its expertise as Local Operating Unit (LOU) to an international audience by operating in other major European jurisdictions.

In fact, from January 2023, on it is possible to apply for, renew, transfer and manage the LEI code of legal entities having their registered office in the United Kingdom, Germany, Luxembourg, Malta, South Africa, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, Australia and India.